Timeline and Process
The deadline to complete the Specific Plan by the end of 2025, although we are hoping to complete it earlier.
We expect the publish a Draft Specific Plan for review and comment in late 2024. The Draft Specific Plan will reflect direction received from the City Council at their March 18, 2024 meeting.
July 2023
Share project plan and create alignment with staff and consultants
Project kick off
August to September 2023
Examine the current rules, land use, infrastructure, and constraints in the area.
Analyze existing conditions
Asked how people use the area today, what they value most, and what concerns they have. Survey had over 1,100 participants.
Online community visioning survey
September to October 2023
Hear from residents about their ideas, values, and concerns.
Neighborhood meeting
October 2023
October to November 2023
Develop 4 scenarios for the community and decision makers to provide feedback on.
Create alternative development scenarios
Presentations to the Park Commission and Recreation Commission
November 2023
Ask commissioners to share their priorities related to their Commission’s charge.
Get feedback from the community on the different development scenarios.
Community workshop
November 2023
January - March 2024
Review the alternatives and select a preferred development scenario.
Study sessions with the City Council and Planning Commission
April 2024 - Fall 2024
Put together the draft specific plan (based on the preferred alternative)
Develop the plan based on the preferred alternative selected by the City Council.
Presentation of the draft plan to the Park Commission and Recreation Commission
Late 2024 or Early 2025
Review the plan and ask Commissions to recommend approval to the City Council.
Late 2024 or Early 2025
Presentations of draft plan to the Planning Commission and City Council
Share the plan and provide an update on the overall project.
Analyze the impacts of the proposed development scenario.
Prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Review the final plan and ask the City Council to adopt the plan and it’s EIR.
Final presentation to the Planning Commission and the City Council
About the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan
The Moraga Canyon Specific Plan is studying all City-owned land in Moraga Canyon, including Blair Park, Coaches Field, Kennelly Skate Park, and the City’s Corporation yard, with the goal of created a detailed plan for how to:
Incorporate 132 units of new housing…
…60 of which would be reserved for households earning lower incomes
Maintain and improve existing City facilities
Maintain and improve recreational amenities and open space
Improve bicycle, pedestrian, and traffic safety
Enhance wildfire safety and evacuation routes