Development scenarios

In March 2024, the City Council directed staff to prepare a Draft Specific Plan that would allow for Scenarios 1 and 3. This would allow for housing to be developed on either side of Moraga, but require that all housing (both affordable and market rate) is on the same side of the road.

The City Council also supported allowing up to 199 units of housing on the site.

The project team is currently developing the Draft Plan, which is expected to be published for review and comment late in 2024.


To develop the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan, the project team created 4 development scenarios. Sometimes these are referred to as alternatives or options. 

Each scenario had a different set of proposed land uses, policies, and implementation measures, and each showed how existing uses of City-owned land in Moraga Canyon – including Coaches Field, Blair Park, Kennelly Skate Park, and the City’s Corporation Yard – could be reconfigured to accommodate 132 units of new housing, 60 of which would be reserved for households earning lower incomes.

Scenarios Overview

This video provides an overview of all four scenarios that were originally proposed, describing the features and tradeoffs for each option. Ultimately, the City Council choose to proceed with Scenarios 1 and 3 as options.

Key features of select scenarios

Option 1

  • Housing development on Blair Park open space

  • Preserve and expand Coaches Field

  • Preserve Corporation Yard in the current location

  • Increase parking and transit access

Option 3

  • Hillside housing development

  • Move Corp Yard to Blair Park open space

  • Improve soccer field and skate spot

  • Increase parking and transit access

  • Avoid infrastructure relocation

Moraga Canyon Specific Plan Goals

We developed these scenarios with these overarching goals in mind:

  • Incorporate 132 units of new housing, 60 of which would be reserved for households earning lower incomes

  • Maintain and improve existing City facilities, open space, and recreational amenities in the area

  • Improve bicycle, pedestrian, and traffic safety

  • Enhance wildfire safety and evacuation routes

Videos: Learn More

Project Background

Existing Conditions

Site Improvements