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Planning Commission Study Sessions

On August 12, 2024, the Planning Commission is tentatively scheduled to hold two study sessions. The agenda, including ways to participate, is available here.

Moraga Canyon Specific Plan

The first study session will include a discussion about design standards to be included in the draft Moraga Canyon Specific Plan. Piedmont's 6th Cycle Housing Element (HE) provides the strategies that the City uses to increase housing production for the 2023-2031 planning period. HE program 1.L guides the City to consider residential development and other changes in Moraga Canyon.

Permitted Commercial Uses

The second study session will be about proposed changes to the regulations for conditional use permits and permitted commercial uses in Zone D in Piedmont. HE program 4.M directs the City to streamline review to facilitate residential mixed-use projects by right subject to objective standards. Currently, all new commercial uses in Piedmont require discretionary review by both the Planning Commission and City Council before they can open for business.

Planning & Building staff members sought community ideas and preferences about possible new permitted commercial uses in an online survey that ended on July 22, 2024.

August 5

Housing Legislation Primer

August 19

City Council Meeting